We are coming to the final couple of weeks in our brief series about Abraham, titled: Great Faith takes Great Risks for God. The practical goal of this study is to look at perhaps the greatest model of faith in the Bible, so that we can learn some principles and practices from his example and experiences to assist us in our walk of faith.
The theological benefit of even a brief study on the life of Abraham is what such a study reveals about God. God and Abraham had a unique relationship – Abraham is the only person in the Bible who is described as “God’s friend” (2 Chron 20.7; Is 41.8; Js 2.23). Wouldn’t that be a great epitaph for your tombstone!!
On Sunday we looked at Genesis 17 (that message is available at http://www.harrisonhills.org, or you can ask Dave to download a copy on a CD). In our review of Genesis 17, we observed how God’s covenant with Abraham would extend to Abraham’s offspring “throughout their generations”. That helped us think about how God’s covenant is still operative in our lives. In one sense, every person who becomes a follower of Christ is a child of Abraham. We might transfer the language of covenant into the language of salvation and say this: God’s promises are in effect until God’s purposes are accomplished – then future promises become present (eternal) reality; then faith becomes sight (1 John 3.2).
In most of the sermons on Abraham I’ve identified some revelations about God and some truths about faith. I didn’t do that this past Sunday, so I want to do that now. Genesis 17 revealed at least these four things about God:
1. God writes the terms of His covenant relationships. The covenant binds two or more parties, but it has only one, Divine, author.
2. God can do amazing things through faithful followers: reach nations; raise-up kings; remove enemies.
3. God expects His followers to identify themselves as His followers – refusing to do so results in separation from God and His people.
4. God can work miracles. Though she was past child-bearing age, Sarah would have a baby named Isaac.
We are studying the life of Abraham to learn about biblical faith. In Genesis 17, I spotted at least four truths about faith:
1. Faith leads to godliness (v1) “walk before me and be blameless”
2. Faith begets faith (v7-8) “your offspring after you . . . I will be their God”
3. Faith involves obedience (v9-13) “every male shall be circumcised” (In v22 and following, Abraham obeyed this command)
4. Faith trusts God to do amazing things (v15-21) “Sarah shall bear you a son, you shall call his name Isaac”
These types of lists are best understood in the context of a sermon, and they can be hard to connect in your thoughts if you did not hear the sermon. Nevertheless, I offer these revelations about God and these truths about faith as general statements – able to stand on their own.
Next Sunday we will look at the classic account of faith in Genesis 22 – the sacrifice of Isaac stands as the high-water mark of Abraham’s faith (deservedly so!). Between now and then, if you did not hear the sermon, I invite you to go to the website and download it – then reflect on what’s mentioned above. If you did hear it, I invite you to reflect on the revelations and truths in this email, and rejoice before God as they encourage your faith.
Reflecting and rejoicing with you,
Pastor Gary